Adds Merge and Split tools for table cells in Editor.
- Editor
- Merge and Split tools for table cells.
- Calendar
- Calendar - Calling setOptions will break multiple selection support
- ComboBox
- Change event is not triggered, if text() method is used, and when Clear button is clicked to clear the selection
- Click on associated Label with ComboBox, Multiselect and MultiColumnComboBox does not focus the input
- Common
- Invalid animation value in kendo.common-material.css
- DatePicker
- DatePicker calendar is not refreshed after clearing value in picker
- DateTimePicker
- DatePicker calendar is not refreshed after clearing value in picker
- The popup.appendTo option is missing for the TimeView popup
- Draggable
- Difficulty grouping a grid with a touch and mouse device
- Editor
- Editor adds an empty paragraph on pasting text in nested table
- Tooltip property does not change title of Editor's Format tool
- Overlapping buttons in RTL Editor with resizable toolbar
- Not aligned tools in inline Editor toolbar in RTL
- Displaced inline Editor toolbar drag handle and overflow button
- Grid
- Sortable settings are missing from the MVC wrapper
- Aggregates are not calculated correctly when dataSource.inPlaceSort is enabled
- Grid editing in InCell edit mode does not accept new values on mobile devices
- Grid.pageable.alwaysVisible=false make the pager appear by default and disappear when it's not needed.
- Difficulty grouping a grid with a touch and mouse device
- Wrong column is auto-resized after auto-resize and columns reorder is performed
- autoFitColumn() does not calculate properly the width of the first Grid header to be collapsed in Safari
- autoFitColumn() does not calculate widths properly on IPad when there are icons in the header
- Grid should measure group and hierarchy columns' widths when showing and hiding other columns
- Map
- Map layer show method attaches the same event handlers multiple times
- MobileListView
- Mobile ListView it does not scroll in iOS13
- MultiColumnComboBox
- Click on associated Label with ComboBox, Multiselect and MultiColumnComboBox does not focus the input
- MultiSelect
- MultiSelect selected tags cannot be removed through tag's delete button in iOS 13 Safari
- MultiSelect with autoBind false replaces its value with the one set in its options
- Readonly state is not removed from Kendo MultiSelect on calling the readonly method
- Click on associated Label with ComboBox, Multiselect and MultiColumnComboBox does not focus the input
- PDFViewer
- Memory Leak in Kendo PDFViewer when loading files.
- PDFViewer download does not work in iOS 13
- Wrong scroll position of PDF file content on paging through PDFViewer's Pager and jQuery 3.4.1
- Search dialog throws an error with jQuery 3.4.x
- Unable to download PDFViewer's PDF file on iOS
- PivotGrid
- PivotGrid Configurator messages should not be draggable
- QRCode
- QRCode appears squashed when drawn as canvas
- Scheduler
- Scheduler cannot be scrolled in iOS 13 with Chrome
- Scheduler moveStart event does not trigger on mobile devices
- Scroller
- Mobile Application with nativeScrolling does not scroll on device with iOS 13.1
- Spreadsheet
- Spreadsheet ColumnHeaderMenu does not open on frozen column header right-click
- Databound Spreadsheet loses data on inserting a header row
- Spreadsheet Text and Background custom color popups are cropped
- Spreadsheet does not alert the user when trying to sort Range with merged cells
- Flickering custom cell editor for Spreadsheet column with configured filtering / sorting and SASS themes in Chrome and FF
- TreeList
- Treelist horizontal scroll disappears when no items available
- Upload
- Smaller than expected height of not async Upload in Office365 theme
- Window
- Window animation duration option is not applied correctly
- Window title method does not remove the wrapper padding