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Spread.NET 16

Text-To-Columns example

Adds new Text-To-Columns dialog, plus 19 new formulas including 'WRAPROWS', 'EXPAND' and 'FORECAST.ETS'.


  • Rich Text Editing - Spread.NET v15 introduced support for Rich Text in Cells when importing XLSX, so multiple font colors and styles can show in a cell. This release introduces new support for Rich Text Editing directly in cells, so you can select text in the cell and apply changes using the Format Cells Dialog.
  • Added 19 New Built-In Formula functions for calculations - This release introduces support for many new Microsoft Excel functions that are already available now in the Insiders builds and coming soon in the official release versions of Excel for text and dynamic array manipulation:
    • TEXTBEFORE - Returns text that’s before delimiting characters.
    • TEXTAFTER - Returns text that’s after delimiting characters.
    • TEXTSPLIT - Splits text into rows or columns using delimiters.
    • VSTACK - Stacks arrays vertically.
    • HSTACK- Stacks arrays horizontally.
    • TOROW - Returns the array as one row.
    • TOCOL - Returns the array as one column.
    • WRAPROWS - Wraps a row array into a 2D array.
    • WRAPCOLS - Wraps a column array into a 2D array.
    • TAKE - Returns rows or columns from array start or end.
    • DROP - Drops rows or columns from array start or end.
    • CHOOSEROWS - Returns the specified rows from an array.
    • CHOOSECOLS - Returns the specified columns from an array.
    • EXPAND - Expands an array to the specified dimensions.
    • IMAGE - Inserts an image in the cell from a source location.
    • FORECAST.ETS - Returns a forecast of the timeline values to the target date.
    • FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY - Returns the length of the detected seasonal pattern in the timeline values.
    • FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT - Returns a confidence interval for the forecast value at the target date.
    • FORECAST.ETS.STAT - Returns a statistical value as a result of time series forecasting.
  • Worksheet Protection Options Dialog - This release now fully enforces all supported worksheet protection options in the user interface and has a new Protect Sheet Dialog for specifying the worksheet protection options and optional password.
  • Added new Forecast Sheet - Forecast Sheet automates the creation of a forecast worksheet to forecast future values using Exponential Triple Smoothing (ETS), which can account for seasonality and include optional forecast statistics.
  • Added new Goal Seek Dialog - Goal Seek is an analytic feature for finding a value that calculates a particular result.
  • Added new DataTable Dialog - Data Table is an analytic feature for generating a table of calculated values for a cell formula that uses one or two other cell values as inputs to the calculation (e.g., dependent cells of the formula). A Data Table can have one or two dimensions, depending on how many inputs to the calculation are in the cell formula. For example, when calculating the loan payment using the PMT function, there are three inputs (parameters) to the calculation:
    • Interest Rate.
    • Term in Months.
    • Loan Amount.
  • Added new Text-To-Columns Dialog - Text-To-Columns convert the delimited text in cells into text split across columns in a target range.
  • Added new Remove Duplicates Dialog - Remove Duplicates is a useful new tool available in the Spread Designer ribbon in the Data tab in the Data Tools group. You can select a range of cells, this tool will check for duplicate rows in the range, and remove any duplicate rows. A duplicate row must match each column value in the row.
  • Miscellaneous Enhancements
    • Center Across Selection - Instead of using Merge and Center, you can now select the range and use Center Across Selection to get the same appearance without the restrictions on selecting cells that merged cells can cause as an unwanted side-effect. Before using Center Across Selection, you must first set two properties:
      • AllowCellOverflow: This property must be true for cell text to overflow into adjacent cells.
      • BorderCollapse: This property must be set to Enhanced to support Center Across Selection.
    • Multiple Range Actions - To enhance and optimize the use of cell formats, you can now select multiple cells or ranges (after enabling it with OperationMode and SelectionPolicy) and apply a cell format to all of the selected cells at once using the Format Cells Dialog. You can also enable Multi-Range Selection for Copy/Paste.
    • Threaded Comments - Threaded Comments in imported workbooks can now be edited directly or Added in Code. You can add threaded comments by using the IRange.AddCommentThreaded method.
    • Comment Gradient Fill - Cell comments can now have Gradient Fill Effects applied. To add the gradient effects, use the Fill property of the IShapeBase interface, which gets an object of the IFillFormat interface for a specified shape that contains the fill formatting properties for the shape.
    • Aggregation Format with Flat Style - You can now set Column Footer Format when using the flat-style rendering mode (e.g., not using FpSpread.LegacyBehaviors.Style):
    • Picture Adjustments - You can now apply Picture Adjustments to get various effects affecting brightness, sharpness, contrast, saturation, and more. You can apply these effects in code using the PictureEffectType enumeration.
    • Frozen Line Width - You can now set Frozen Line width using FrozenLineThickness.

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