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Syncfusion Essential Studio for JavaScript 2022 Volume 1

Syncfusion Essential Studio for JavaScript

Adds new Fluent theme plus timeline virtual scrolling in Scheduler.


  • Common
    • Fluent theme - The Fluent theme has been added with light and dark variants to all Syncfusion JavaScript UI controls.
    • Preview to production - The Signature control has been developed to meet industry standards. It is now marked as production-ready for Essential JS 2.
  • Carousel (Preview)
    • The Carousel component shows a collection of items one at a time like a slideshow. The most typical usage of carousels includes scrolling news headlines, featured articles on home pages, and image galleries.
  • Charts
    • Legend wrap - This feature allows users to wrap the legend text that overflows the container into multiple rows.
  • Word Processor
    • Comment-only restriction - This feature keeps users from editing a Microsoft Word document except for adding or modifying comments. Using this restriction type, you can allow all the reviewers to view the document and add their suggestions as comments. But they cannot change anything in the document. Later, you can read their suggestions and act upon them or not as desired.
    • Paragraph auto spacing - This feature allows the user to set the spacing before or after paragraphs automatically in a Word document.
    • Screen tip for hyperlinks - You can now add or modify the screen tip text for hyperlinks in a Word document. By default, the address text is displayed as a tooltip on hovering over a hyperlink, but specified text will display when the screen tip text is defined.
  • File Manager
    • Sortable navigation pane - This feature allows users to sort the files in the navigation pane of the EJ2 File Manager. Users can display the files in ascending or descending order based on their application needs.
    • Sort by - This feature allows users to customize the default sort field of the EJ2 File Manager. Users can sort and display the files based on various fields like name, size, and date modified in both the detail and large icon views. Users can also perform custom column sorting.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Now works on Linux and Apple Mac with Microsoft .NET 6.0 framework - The System.Drawing.Common dependency has been replaced with SkiaSharp to enable deployment in Linux or Mac with .NET 6.0.
  • Pivot Table
    • Expand all members in a specific field - This feature allows you to expand all members (headers) in a specific field in the Pivot Table component’s row and column axes.
    • Customize cell values - Using query cell events, you can customize a cell value and its style while creating each row, column, and value cell during pivot engine export.
  • Scheduler
    • Virtual scrolling in timeline year view - This feature allows users to load only the visible items in the view port and load the remaining items on scrolling, which improves the Scheduler component’s performance while loading a large number of resources and appointments in the timeline year view.

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